Ah the Festival of Colors. An amazingly awesome day of the year where everyone is allowed to get super messy, and throw stuff at complete strangers, without getting in trouble. Where it's encouraged, even. Even for a shy, introverted girl like me, this is a pretty sweet event! I found out about this thing last year, when my fiance at the time insisted we go. I thought it was going to be lame and that I would just be annoyed, but it was actually way cool! I was amazed at how cool the "color throwings" were, and how the air suddenly just became filled with tons of colored chalk and in an instant, you yourself were covered. I mean, you can't breathe, and you're blowing purple snot out of your nose for the next week, but it's totally worth it for those few moments of ultimate chalk-throwing chaos.
This year, my husband and I went with his brother, his brother's wife, and his cousin. I remembered what the parking and everything was like last year, so when I saw lots of empty spots by the Spanish Fork Library, I suggested we just get out and walk from here. BAD IDEA!! It's 2.4 miles, trust me, I just consulted Google Maps. And Google Maps is always right. Luckily I'm not 400 pounds and way out of shape. Just the second part of that sentence. But still. It was totally worth it in the end! And I have no idea how this all relates back to the media part of this assigment :) Tough luck. .... Okay, they're starting to advertise it. Which is media. And charge an entrance fee. To pay for their advertising. Which is media.