Monday, May 13, 2013

APRIL means Spring!

At least, that’s what it’s supposed to mean, in my mind. Seems like these days spring doesn’t come till a lot later, and that April spends a lot of time tricking me! So I realize it is now May 13, which means that I am very behind. The end of April came and went, and I kept forgetting to write up this post. But it’s here now!

I was busy working at the accounting firm in Provo – it’s a small office but you would never guess from how busy the accountants all were this month! The tax deadline in the US is April 15, and with the whole fiscal cliff thing and the IRS delaying the release of some forms, it really put them in a bind to get everything done on time. Thank goodness for extensions or I don’t think anyone would have gotten any sleep at all! I couldn’t help them with any of the actual tax preparation, but I kept pretty busy. Not going to lie, some days were very stressful. I am extremely shy so dealing with a lot of frustrated people every day was definitely a challenge for me. I am hoping it helped me grow in some way! The day of the deadline I ended up staying with them until 11:00 – it was a very long day for all of us! Thankfully it is all over, and I promised myself I would never work in a tax office during April again. At least the guys I worked for were really good to me, so I appreciated that.

Dan (finally!) finished the Junior Core this month. I think we are both very happy and relieved to have that done with – it was a ton of work, which meant that he was constantly doing school stuff and I didn’t get to spend much time with him. He has applied for the Masters of Accountancy program at BYU, so we should be finding out within a few weeks whether or not he was accepted. His grades were very good during these tough 2 semesters, so here’s hoping!

April of course means General Conference, which I love. Not just because I get to watch church in my jammies, but because I love hearing all our leaders speak! There were some really good talks this spring, many of which I felt were directed at me personally so it was good. I also made us some delicious breakfast – yum!
Bacon, Sweatpants, and Conference - can life get better?!

In our free time, we did get to go to a couple movies. I finally saw Les Miserables, which I thought was amazing! Absolutely loved it, and Dan even enjoyed it, which surprised me. For days afterward he would ask me to play some of the songs on YouTube! We also saw Life of Pi; I heard of the book a lot when I was younger but never got around to reading it. It was pretty good, though the ending was a little weird. We also went on a little date night to the BYU Planetarium. It’s pretty cool, and then you get to go up to the roof afterwards and look through the telescopes.

My parents came to visit! Yay! It has currently been almost 21 full months since I have been home, which means I don’t get to see my family much. So I love that my parents take the time and effort to come visit me once or twice a year. And they always take us poor students out for some great food! We went to Gardner’s Village, which is a little village-like shopping area with lots of boutiques… it’s mostly just for girls! Dan was busy studying for finals the next week so he didn’t get to do a lot, but my parents and I went to see the Jackie Robinson movie “42.” It was pretty dang good, and pretty funny I thought. I’d definitely recommend it!

The next weekend we had to move out to Kansas City. Dan is doing sales for a pest control company called Alterra, so we spent the week packing up our house (in between work and finals!) and with our little corolla packed to the roof, we set out! By the time we got everything packed and cleaned it was about 9:00 Friday night so we headed out for the 16-hour trip. BAD DECISION! Turns out if you start a major road trip after a long, exhausting day in a cramped car where you can’t stretch out to sleep, it makes for a couple of cranky people. We had to pull over a couple times just so we could try and get a few hours of decent sleep. Nevertheless, we made it safe & sound and I don’t think we will ever make that mistake again! By Saturday at 6 PM we finally pulled into the apartments. The lady checking us in took FOREVER (bless her heart, she was so nice), so we were very frazzled and worn out by the time we finally dragged all our stuff up to our 3-floor apartment. Then next day we had to drive 8 hours to pick up Dan's cousin so he could start selling. So let’s just say I’m done with road trips for a while!

All in all, it was a very busy, but very good month. Stay tuned for news about Kansas City next month!

Turns out, I didn't take too many decent photos this month and since I can't work photoshop, I can't edit anything! I gotta get that figured out.