Friday, July 19, 2024

Tovolo Summer Freeze Party

 I'm back with another cool party opportunity from Tryazon! This party included freebies from a company called Tovolo, which I had never heard of before, and several of their kitchen products. Because of a miscommunication it didn't work out exactly as I had hoped but we still managed to be able to have a party with the main product as well as try some out with just my family at home.

What I was most excited for was the main product they were promoting - the "Squeeze & Release Mini Ice Cylinders." I love the pebble ice you can get from places like Sonic and Chick-Fil-A, and I know you can buy household ice makers, but they are usually quite bulky or expensive, or both! So these ice makers seemed like a really cool idea to be able to make mini ice cubes that only takes a fraction of the space. The concept is simple - fill the cylinder with water, freeze, run under warm water, then squish the cylinder to crack and release dozens of mini ice cubes. Super easy, and the tiny cubes are really cute. I will say, they are not exactly like true pebble ice - I don't know how those are made but they are "softer" and you can kind of chew on them, you know? These aren't quite like that, they're much harder like regular ice cubes, but they are a nice small size. So I was little bummed about that, but on the other hand the nice thing about them being so small is that they will fit into any water bottle. I've had many bottles that are frustrating because the opening is not large enough to fit a single ice cube through! Problem eliminated with these Mini Ice Cylinders.

We hosted a little party to show them off with a bunch of my family members at a cabin. Initially I wanted the entire party box sent to this cabin, but it got sent to my house instead. I didn't think I'd be able to do the party anymore, but we made it work and stuffed as many of the Ice Cylinders in my bag as possible!! It's July in Montana so it was hot and we all definitely needed to cool off constantly! We had a fire to make s'mores on, a demonstration of the Ice Cylinders, and some drinks to show off their ease. They were such a hit! Every body was wanting to take one home (and so excited when they realized I was serious about bringing them all to share!) I saved one set for myself at home, let my husband use one set as part of a wedding gift for his cousin (I think they will get great use out of it!), and then divided up the others so everyone could take one home. It was a fun evening.

Another night, with just my kids, we gave the popsicle molds a try. They are so dang cute, and seriously so easy to use. We tried them out with just some punch we had made, and I will say to just be careful not to overfill them! I tried to fill them just to the line (very helpful) but I think considering it was pure liquid I should have done a little less. They spilled a little while moving but otherwise froze fine. I'd had other popsicle molds in the past that were so hard to get out I ended up snapping pieces, or you had to run them under water so much that they ended up half-melted by the time you got them out. These things were SO easy to release due to the flexible silicone. That was a definite plus, and the fact that they are dishwasher safe is even better. I don't want to be spending a bunch of time hand-washing all the pieces afterwards, so just throwing them in the dishwasher was quick and easy. I also really appreciated that they are made to stack on top of each other so I could just find one little spot in my freezer, rather than having to clear out a whole space big and flat enough to put them all. I can see these getting a lot of use with my kiddos over the next few years, especially since we live in Texas!

I haven't yet had a chance to try out the other products, but I'm excited for a few of them. The microwave cover will come in real handy because we are always causing explosions that make a mess in there. I'm also constantly using "spreader-type" spatulas so the Scoop N Spread will be a staple in my kitchen. I'm not sure how functional the regular spatula will be (feels a bit too firm for my general liking), but it sure is cute and the lemons fit some of my other kitchen decor! Overall a bunch of great products, and following their social media I've been seeing more innovative, fun kitchen items. Thanks to #Tryazon and #Tovolo for the opportunity to try out these cool products!

I would fill a little below the line if it's liquid.

So many awesome products!

Perfect for a hot summer day!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Tryazon + RitterSport = Fun!

 It's crazy - as I came to post on here I looked through some past posts and realized the last Tryazon party I hosted was actually 1 year ago, in very similar circumstances to this one! Last November we had planned to run a Tough Mudder 5k - only to have it "Rained Out" - what?! I had made all these big plans for hosting a Tryazon party after with a bunch of allergy-free chocolates and we were all excited. It was a big bummer to have it all cancelled last-minute.

So what a turn of events that here we are a year later - finally doing all these things again, only this time with a different party brand to host. On Saturday we finally got to have our dual "Tough Mudder - Chocolate Tasting" party with everyone, and it was worth the wait. I was really nervous with all the rain we were getting during the week (again?!) but luckily everything worked out and we were able to do the race. We were definitely just there for fun, no real racing or going for times. Just making it through the obstacles and enjoying our (child-free!) time together. It was really nasty (was it mud, or cow poop we were crawling through?? 🤮 Smelled so bad!), and some of it was super cold (repeated dunking in 33 degree ice water??) and I did skip the last two obstacles (baby on board!) but it was so much fun and I'm glad we ended up doing it. Even though we took our time and it was only 5k, we all realized how tired and hungry we were on the way home.

Enter: the amazing RitterSport Chocolate for a refueling session! Tryazon sent me a box with their iconic square bars of their most popular colorful chocolates lineup, as well as mini's of some varieties. I have had RitterSport before and honestly they just make delicious chocolate. It's simple, a lot of the flavors are very straightforward, but they are done well, and that makes all the difference. Each flavor is so smooth, creamy, and luscious. I am typically not a big fan of dark chocolate, but even their dark varieties are sweet enough and still deliver a flavor that can be enjoyed by all.

RitterSport is a brand that has been committed to responsibility from the start; the bottom line comes down to sustainability. All of their cacao is sustainably sourced, they are very close to being 100% carbon-neutral, they even have their own Cocoa farm!

To start off our party, I laid out samples of each variety and gave everyone papers to enter their guesses. Whoever could guess the most correct was the winner - however it turned out more difficult than I thought - nobody was able to get them all, and there were a couple that tripped every single person up! I had a "tiebreaker" chocolate at the end in case multiple people guessed all the varieties. It was chocolate-covered quinoa I had discovered recently, but it wasn't much help since not a single person was able to guess the secret ingredient!

Then we had a bingo game. I created a bunch of different card using terms related to the RitterSport company and their chocolate. Everyone got their own cup filled with the other pieces I had snapped up from the square bars; they had some of each variety in their cup which they could use as their bingo markers, as well as for tasting afterward! The kids were more excited about this game. We had 2 winners each - the winners from each game got to pick a favor bag filled with a variety of the mini's squares.

To round things out, I also provided a few other snacks so it wasn't just straight-up chocolate for the whole thing. We had banana chocolate-chip muffins made with "confetti sprinkle" chips to add color but after mixing you really couldn't see them at all so I topped with colorful sprinkles to fit the theme. I made some chocolate-covered marshmallows in a rainbow of colors, and topped them with "RitterSport" and "Tryazon" to highlight the brands. Finally I put out a plate of cookies that I had from something else, mainly to give people other choices to snack on, but also partly as a bit of a sneaky announcement since not everyone knew about the baby yet.

I also took a note from Tryazon's Pinterest page and used a bunch of paint cards to make a couple paper garlands. Super simple and cute! BUT, I realized later you can hardly even tell they were there in most of the pictures. All in all the party was quite fun, we all enjoyed the games and re-energizing with some tasty treats. By far, Milk Chocolate with Cornflakes was the most popular flavor - it was a total hit and everyone kept digging around to try and find more, and I don't blame them. That one is my favorite and absolutely delicious!

Thanks for a tasty opportunity! #Tryazon #RitterSportUSA


Stocking up for take-homes!

I was trying to fix my photos for Instagram posting... but you can never see the whole thing!

Stacks of deliciousness

Friday, November 4, 2022

Free2b with Tryazon

 Well, this "party" went quite a bit differently than I had originally planned. Tryazon sent us a huge box filled with a giant assortment of snacks from "Free2b", so that we could host a party and introduce others to the products. The dates were going to line up perfectly; we had some people coming in from out of state to join us in running our first "Tough Mudder" race, and when we finished we'd all be able to refuel with free2b snacks - I had it all planned out. Then disaster hit in the form of rain - TOO much rain for a tough mudder apparently, and the event was cancelled at the last minute. The others ended up turning around and going back home, and just like that all our weekend plans got thrown out the window!

So we had to improvise a bit (a lot). What we ended up doing was having our own little tasting party with my family. Free2b's lineup of products include sun cups (an allergy-free version of Reese's PB Cups), Crunchsters (Sprouted Mung Beans for a healthier, filling crunchy snack!), and chocolate wafers for baking.  We received an assortment of sun cups and crunchsters to try. We had the "Beyond Bacon" & "Simply Sea Salt" Crunchsters - my kids weren't huge fans but they are tasty and as my husband commented, would make for a great road trip snack! The Sun Cup flavors include dark chocolate, milk chocolate, both with sunbutter filling, and a dark chocolate mint variety. No one in my immediate family has any allergies, but I was happy to have a chance to actually try a product out before recommending or giving it to someone I know, so that I feel like I'm actually giving them something that tastes good and they won't feel like they have to completely miss out when there are treats or snacks involved. I don't know how Free2b does it honestly, because their products are all gluten-free, vegan, and free from TONS of common allergens - including nuts, dairy, and fish (and many more) - AND they don't taste like cardboard. That's definitely an accomplishment! These are a snack that don't have to be completely set aside for just the "allergy crew", they can be enjoyed by everyone. That's not to say they taste just like a regular Reese's PB Cup; you can definitely tell the difference, but they are still tasty and given time for taste buds to adjust I think they would be just as welcome in anyone's hand (or mouth!) Check out their website for more info:

My almost-2-year old was loving them - I gave him one of the mini sunbutter cups as I was trying to prep things for the rest of us and he kept begging for more! He was NOT a fan of the mint however, haha. But the sunbutter cups he was all about! I set out some of each variety we got, as well as regular Reese's PB Cups, and had them do a blind taste test. Not surprisingly, everyone guessed the "real" one correct. What was surprising though was that they all said "Yeah these are good, I like this" so that was a win! Both of my boys actually did end up not enjoying the mint, but it may have just been a little strong for them. Everything else was gobbled up happily!

Since we were given so many, and we wanted to be able to share after not being able to host the party as originally planned, we decided to bag up a bunch of the rest of hand out to neighbors/friends. We put a little of each kind in Halloween-themed goody bags, along with an info card, coupon, and some free2b "swag" (pen, note pad, sticker). Then we taped a little note on the outside (not pictured) giving them some additional info about the products and what we were doing. I hope they all enjoy getting a little taste of this like we did!

Finally, I took one of the bags of mini dark chocolate sun butter cups, chopped them up, and used them in place of chocolate chips in my normal banana muffin recipe. I was repeatedly swatting my toddler's hand away because he wanted to get at the Sun Cups so badly! I also replaced half the butter with avocado for a little nutrition boost/fat reduction, which had the added benefit of making the muffins slightly green, perfect for Halloween! These were great, and a nice little change up from the normal plain chocolate, to having a little flavor variety.

Overall, it was definitely not what I had expected to be doing for this party opportunity, but it all worked out well. It was agreed these products are a definite "will eat again" and it's so great to see more companies coming out with these that all people will be able to enjoy, regardless of certain allergies or dietary restrictions. Free2b for the win!

#Tryazon #Free2bHalloween

Monday, April 25, 2022

GF Goodness TryaBox

 I am not gluten-free, but I have a sister who was diagnosed with celiac disease a few years ago, and has had to make a lot of drastic changes to her diet ever since. This has made me hyper-aware of just how many things can actually contain gluten (so many you wouldn't expect!) and how careful people with dietary restrictions have to be. So I am grateful for people and companies who have made it their mission to help those with allergies be able to eat more freely and not have to give up some of their favorite foods.

With that in mind, I was excited to hear about this tryabox opportunity from Tryazon, to see how this brands products hold up. Taste Republic sent me coupons to pick up a couple varieties that my family could try out for free, as well as a cool wooden utensil - and what kitchen doesn't need more of those? They also sent a recipe-card for a pesto dish and we were initially going to do that before changing at the last minute to something the kids would be more likely to eat. I was also glad to see that despite being fresh pasta, these didn't need to be used within 2-3 days like I had first read you need to do with homemade pasta.

I decided to go with the 4-cheese tortelloni, and spinach & cheese ravioli varieties, mainly because they were different types of pasta I'd never actually had before and thought it would be fun to branch out. I will say, I was nervous to serve this to my family! I have had another brand of gluten-free pasta before and while it wasn't awful, you could definitely tell it was different. So I was sure there were going to be complaints about it being weird. And yes, the spinach kind was only eaten by adults, and I don't blame the kids because I definitely wouldn't have eaten green pasta when I was younger! But actually it was just fine. We served them with a homemade alfredo sauce and I thought it was great. I could tell there was a slight difference in the flavor, especially the ravioli, but it honestly wasn't bad at all. The texture was really good to eat, too. We had a couple of my husband's brothers eating with us as well and I don't think they even noticed anything about it!

The one downside I did notice was that they did seem to stick together a bit more (especially the ravioli) but perhaps that was just user error or I needed an even bigger pot or something. Not a major issue, just that when it came to serving they were clumped and had to be pulled apart - and that led to them breaking. Then when I went to cleanup afterwards I did find that there was significantly more dough stuck to the pot and that it was trickier to scrub off than when I cook normal pasta. I'm sure that's just the nature of the product and the ingredients that have to be used.

Overall I was very pleased with this pasta. I thought it looked and tasted very comparable to normal pasta, and I would definitely feel okay serving this to my sister. A win for the GF community!

Fun, flavorful varieties to choose from, and a cool spork!

We made alfredo sauce & chicken cordon bleu! Paired nicely.

#tasterepublic #glutenfree #glutenfreepasta #quickdinner #easyhealthymeals #freshpasta #tryazon

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Niagara Chocolates Party

 If there's anything that can put a smile on my face, it's chocolate. If I had to subsist on just one type of food for the rest of my life... chocolate. When you've had a rough day and need a pick-me-up... chocolate. Something great happened and you need to celebrate? Chocolate. Want to show someone a lil' love? Chocolate! I'm pretty sure there is no situation in life where chocolate would be an inappropriate response.

So, now that we've clarified that, what could possibly be better than an entire party dedicated to eating tons of different premium, hand-crafted chocolates?! I would submit that there is NOTHING better. Honestly I didn't think I would get chosen for this opportunity, so I really was excited when I got an e-mail from Tryazon saying I was picked to be a host and receive a box full of samples. I had never heard of the company before, but as a lover of all-things chocolate I could tell from just a little bit of reading that they were a good company producing what I was sure would be high-quality, super tasty treats. (Guess what? I was right!) Plus, I saw a bunch of their little commercials about their hand-crafters which I thought were pretty humorous, which is always a plus with any company.

At first I was worried about the timing of the party, because originally I had planned on hosting it on the earlier date in October, until they decided to hold off in case of warm temperatures during shipping. I had to re-arrange some things and I wasn't sure the package would arrive in time for the day that worked best, but it all ended up working out. And I have to say, it was probably a good idea they decided not to ship a few weeks earlier when it was still super warm here in Texas. I could tell that some of my chocolates, while not actually melted, had probably gotten a bit warm and were mildly clumped together. But it was not bad at all and the taste of the chocolates was not in any way affected.

So I decided to host my #niagarachocolates party on a Saturday when I knew some friends and family would all be in town together for another event. It worked out that we could host them all at our house afterwards for lunch. Part of the morning's activities included a 1.5mile walk - which meant we were totally justified in eating as much of the chocolate as we wanted, right? 😅At least that's my story. We invited everyone to come hang out and visit with us for lunch and some chocolate tasting to learn about a "new" company. (They're obviously not new, but like me, no one else had ever heard of them before.) Free food AND free chocolate definitely piqued everyone's interest.

I set up a display to showcase the wide variety of options Niagara Chocolates offers - from bars, to cups, to clusters. There really is something that I think ANYONE could find to enjoy (unless you really just don't like chocolate, in which case, I'm not sure we can be friends...). I also made up a few different platters to set the chocolates out - some that were just straight chocolate, and others that included other items to pair with the chocolate like wafer cookies, marshmallows, fruit, nuts, pretzels. I mean really, there's not a whole lot that chocolate DOESN'T go with. As I mentioned, no one else had heard of the company so I made sure to emphasize that they are an American business (that was a big thing for some of the guests!), that they hand-craft the chocolates to get that perfect small-batch quality, and "good-for-all" perks such as having non-GMO ingredients and using responsible/sustainable practices (Rainforest Alliance Certified).

I had to encourage everyone to come "dig in" and help themselves to tasting each kind, but once they started I think they got hooked - it didn't take long for the plates to be empty! Some people were playing guessing games, some tried (unsuccessfully, haha) to be sneaky about how many pieces they were eating, and some were just raving about their favorite kind. Know what it was? Coconut. I was totally surprised because I'm not a big fan of coconut and I was worried how a cluster packed with coconut would be received, but that one went so fast! Some of the guests were seriously just going on and on about how amazing it was, haha!

It was a really fun afternoon, and I enjoyed getting to talk one-on-one with some of the guests about the company. Near the end, I had everyone enter their name for a drawing to win some of the packages I had saved as door prizes. That was a hit for sure, to be able to take some home, and luckily I had held back enough aside from the sampling that I was able to also give some "consolation prizes" to those whose names hadn't been drawn. A couple of people were really excited to go check out the website later and asked to take multiple coupons, so I'd say Niagara Chocolates is doing something right and really producing some quality, delicious items. For some, they really loved that the company made their product here in the USA, as supporting 'local' is important to their family. And for me, I really love the hand-crafted, small-batch quality that they emphasize. You really can taste the difference versus a random box you just pick up in the candy aisle at any store. The chocolate was so smooth and creamy, it just melted perfectly in your mouth. I definitely prefer milk chocolate over dark, but they have done an excellent job with their dark varieties. It still has a sweetness too it - not overly bitterly like many I've had, and the fillings are the perfect touch to round out the richness of the dark chocolate. I am a crazy peanut butter lover as well, so those were my favorite kinds, but honestly, you can't go wrong with any of the flavors they have created.

I also saved a milk chocolate bar for all of us to try out using on s'mores later that night. The little squares were maybe a bit thick for a s'more (especially for a child trying to open their mouth wide enough, haha), but honestly I don't think any of us would complain about it. It taste amazing! The edges were melty from the heat of the marshmallow, and it just was a perfect blend of flavors. Seriously, soooo good. There was no question the Niagara chocolates were preferred over some other brands that night.

The party was a definite hit - I think a lot of people were happy to have found a delicious new indulgent treat, and you really just can't go wrong when chocolate is involved. I was glad to have gotten this opportunity and look forward to seeing this brand around more when I'm shopping! To see a bit of the fun we had, check out the photos below!

#tryazon #niagaraparty #niagarachocolates #niagarahandcrafted

Prize Winners & Coupons galore!

Tasting/Guessing Games

Mmm, coconut!

Monday, August 2, 2021

SwimWays Little Swimmers Party!

 Hello, from one of my favorite places on earth! I was so happy when I saw that I had been chosen by Tryazon to host a party with these products from Spinmaster, and that the dates were going to line up perfectly with when I would be visiting family at the lake!

Unfortunately, due to some shipping/distributor issues or something, the products didn't show up until later than expected, so I was unable to have the same sort of get-together I was originally planning, but we made do thanks to technology! Those of us who were still there got to actually participate and use the products with the kiddos, and then I had a FaceTime call to include some others with young kids who couldn't be there due to work/changing COVID restrictions, etc. It was a little trickier, but still good nonetheless.

I hadn't realized before that SwimWays was part of the Spinmaster brand - I thought they only made toys so that was a cool connection for me! I already have lots of various Spinmaster products so I felt like this was a brand I was comfortable using for my family. And after starting to discuss the Swim products and show them off, one of the guests realized that a swim floaty she had recently purchased was also actually part of the brand. She told us all she liked using it and it worked well for her children, so that was a solid outsider endorsement!

While I wouldn't say that the 3-Step "program" so little swimmers is exactly revolutionary, it does lay out a simple, clear progression for kids to develop skills and confidence in the water. One of the first things I noticed when opening the Swim Trainer & Soft Swimmies was how soft the fabric actually was. Even with newer manmade materials and technologies making better options for kids these days, there are still a lot of features that are not super comfortable. But the material on these items really was soft - my son even asked why it was so soft! So that was a definitely plus, and makes the kids way more likely to wear them without complaining, even when they've got it on all day. No more trying to peel the hot, sticky armbands off! 😝 I also really liked the shape of the Swim Trainer - the other similar products we own aren't designed quite as well to fit around little bodies with short arms, so it's harder for them to play as well. But on this, the piece that goes across the chest and around the back is more curved, so they have greater mobility in their arms and it doesn't get in the way as much I felt. After trying this one out that day, my son was obsessed and refused to go back to the other lifejacket he'd been using! The only thing I wish is that the strap for the buckle on the back was a bit longer. He's still within the weight/age range, but much bigger and we wouldn't have been able to do it up! The Soft Swimmies felt really comfy and durable as well, and they were super fast and easy to blow up. They were also a lot easier to get on kids' arms than what we had growing up!

My feelings on the Baby Spring Float with Sun Canopy were a bit more mixed. It's a really cute design, and I love that it comes with a little case so you can fold it up and transport it easily. It was a bit tricky to get small enough to get back in there, but we did it! I also like that the canopy is designed to either be straight up or angled for different times of the day as the sun moves. But for us the canopy wasn't working too great. I don't know if we just got a defective one or what, because it was great when we had it snapped onto the back for an angled shade (and it's super easy to just loop it through and snap it up!). However when we tried to use it straight overhead it kept flopping over. We could never get it to stay fully upright. I also wish the floaty part at the baby's chest was a little bigger/higher. My baby (especially if we were in the shallows where he could put his feet down and push himself forward more) was constantly leaning forward and getting a mouthful of water. So if it was just set up a tiny bit more to have them leaning back that would have been better. The airholes to blow up the floaty sections were also tricky - the valve wasn't as big or long as the Soft Swimmies and couldn't be pulled out/pushed in, so it was harder to blow them up. Overall not terrible, but the Swimmies were notably easier. But aside from those things, my little babe loved it! He was in heaven being able to kick and splash around, and it was nice that I could let him move freely in that without trying to hold onto a wet, squirmy body! We ended up using it many times while at the lake.

Overall we had a good time testing out all the products and talking about getting kids used to swimming in the water. Because of how the timing worked out, and not being able to get WiFi down where we were, I was only able to call people with my phone so it was a little harder to show/see everyone and everything, but I think it all still worked out pretty good. And having someone else there who also owned one of the products and had positive things to say was a show of confidence for the rest of us. All in all, a very fun time!!

#Tryazon #Spinmaster #SwimWays @tryazon @Spinmaster @swimways

"One for the money...!"

On second thought, I'll just ease myself in! Good thing this floaty still allows for tons of mobility!

Swim Steps is great for families with kids of all stages!

He absolutely loved it! Now if only that front part kept him back a little more so he didn't drink so much lakewater. 

I wish I could have used some other devices so that you could actually tell there are people actually joining us via FaceTime! Didn't realize till looking at pictures later that it just looked like a black screen thanks to glare from the sun.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Deflect "Clean Up The Clutter" Party!

 I'm back with an all-new party thanks to #tryazon! This time we're showcasing some products I'm desperately in need of - organization! As a mother to 3 young kids (and as someone who has a hard time making decisions) I'm constantly dealing with messes and trying to figure out how to contain everything! Enter this line of kid-friendly storage options from #deflecto. These brightly-colored plastic containers come in a range of options to fit any storage need - caddy's, bins, pencil boxes, etc. When not in use, they stack beautifully and they seem very sturdy!

@Deflecto and @Tryazon sent me a sampling of the various containers to try out and show off in my party. Deflecto's products are simple and basic in design - making them great to fit into various rooms and appeal to kids without being complicated or overwhelming. That can be a bit of a drawback though if you're going for a different aesthetic; for me I'm generally pretty minimalist and simple (at least in my design style! 😆) so it's not too big of a deal, especially since it's being used for the kids' stuff. I do however wish they came in other colors. In some pictures I saw a few different ones, but all the products I received only come in red, yellow, and blue on the Deflecto website.

The thing that's really nice about all these storage containers is they now are made with SteriTouch, which is an anti-microbial agent. Basically that just means they use something that stops the growth of nasty little germs that can cause odors and mold, eventually ruining the material. I don't know about any of your kids, but mine are DEFINITELY touching everything all the time, so who knows what microorganisms they're constantly in contact with, so this is reassuring to know they are easily wipeable and can stand up to the messiness of children.

I think my favorite of the items I got is the 6-cup craft caddy. They of course can hold the Deflecto no-spill paint containers, but they're also perfect for separately holding crayons, markers, glue, scissors...all the things kids need for craft time! The handle makes it easy to move around, heck it could even be great to use as a snack holder for movie night or road trips. Maybe I should try that out next time...🤔It could be perfect to hold a drink and separate a couple different snacks.

Due to COVID and end-of-school craziness, I decided to host a virtual party this time. I mostly invited other women, but we got a few husbands to join in on the sidelines. We have kids of lots of varying ages, so we got to chat about the different stages of raising kids and the messes that come along with it. We were able to chat about strategies and tips we have for organizing things based on our needs and the ages of kids. It was a lot of fun "venting" a little bit together and getting to trade funny stories. We got together on an app called "House Party" because you can play games with each other and I had planned on doing a few and giving some of the products to the winners as door prizes, but we were having so much fun just chatting about life, kids, and organization (or lack thereof!) that I completely forgot until after.

It was a really fun night and what with how hard the last year and a half has been in some ways, it was so good to just be able to connect over things we have in common with our kids and feel a sense of community in trading advice. I can definitely tell these products from Deflecto are going to last a long time in our house, and help us maintain the clutter a bit. Since coming in the mail, I've even used some of the storage bings to tote around various baby items (bottles, food, etc.) in the car for a couple road trips. And it was super easy to just rinse out once we got home. They've been great! Check out some pics below!

#tryazon #deflecto #deflectokidsstorage #kidsstoragesolutions #kidsstorage #teacherstorage #cleanuptheclutter

She was most excited about the trays! They're labeled as "finger paint trays" but they also work great to keep all your coloring things from rolling away!

Perfect for holding books, games, craft supplies... you name it!

Always a good time with these ladies! (And those unseen men too, we love ya! 😉)