Thursday, March 8, 2012

Read Me!

Well, I don't really know what to write about this week. I have been crazy hectic busy (I almost spelt it "buzy"... just attests to how tired I am), and haven't had a whole lot of time to think about this assignment. So I'm sitting here, trying to think of some awesome interaction with the media I've had lately, and all that keeps popping up is how freaking busy I am! There's always just 10 more things to do, isn't there? I think a lot of us are feeling that way right now (*cough cough* Princess RA's...). And you rarely see that in the media. Way more often it's like oh man I'm bored, hey what are we gonna do today, oh I'm just going shopping, I think I'm gonna make an awesome craft, etc. None of this absurd student life we're all living! So... media is a liar! And that's it. That's my spiel for today.


  1. Haha!! Oh Maggie I totally agree! I feel the same way lately that I have no idea what to write about because my life is consumed by school and work. I am so glad that you have put into words exactly how I feel.

  2. Haha, sorry to both of you, my lovely princess RAs!!! Yep, it sure has been a busy semester (Maggie, I almost just spelled it "buzy" too!) BYU seriously needs to give us a spring break during winter semester, because things just seem to draaag on! Almost done though, right!?!
