Friday, April 6, 2012

A Letter

As instructed, I am putting up this assignment for my blog post! I don't know if we still need to keep up our blogs, since we've done all the checks, but I figure I will for the next week.

Dear Miss Lawrence,
First off, I would like to commend you for a fantastic performance as Katniss in the Hunger Games. I loved the books and thought you did such a fabulous job in your role; I love forward to
the next film! Having said this, I am currently in a media class and have an
assignment to write someone about an issue in the media. I have seen some of
your interviews and noted how down-to-earth you are, and how you actually had a
different “plan” for your career.
As a young actress who has recently come onto the Hollywood “scene”, I feel like
you can have a great influence for the better in the media industry. I thought
you would be a great person to write, and hope you share some of my own
sentiments. I loved that you chose to do a film with very minimal profanity and
no sexual content. Too often today I believe filmmakers put this sort of material
in, simply for a shock factor or because that seems to be what the public
wants. But this sort of content does not really ever constitute an important
element of the film, or even add to the overall storyline. Not only that, but
this sort of thing is becoming ever more prevalent in movies meant for younger
and younger audiences. I think this is irresponsible of the film industry to
put such material in children’s films, as they are so impressionable and today
learn so much of what they know from the media. It is also inappropriate to be
showing crude, unnecessary profanity and sexual material to children and young
adolescents. Characters portrayed this way are poor role models for the children
who will soon be adults and making independent decisions.
I think producers, screenwriters, actors, directors – anyone in the film
industry, should make an effort to remove the excess of this material from mainstream
media. Profanity and sexual scenes do not add to the quality of a movie, and
can greatly influence the attitudes and behaviors of viewers. Over time, this
could mean an overall increase in promiscuity in society – resulting in
sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancies, and broken homes.
I urge you to consider the importance of this issue, and to keep it in mind when
thinking about future roles to accept. I think you have the power to make a
positive impact in our world; that your voice and your behaviors will be a good
role model for others to follow. You have the opportunity to make a big
difference, and to make choices that so many others will see. I hope you will
use this chance for good! Again, congratulations on a fantastic job in the
Hunger Games, I am a big fan.

Maggie Brumwell

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