Sunday, April 1, 2012


... and no I was not talking about media in the title of this post. Although that could very well apply too. But what I meant was a brain overload. This past week, I wrote 2 papers, gave an oral presentation, wrote 2 final exams, complete some ridiculous finance assignments that I don't understand (cause I don't have time to go to that class, or when I do I'm doing something else) and had to cook full-on meals for 5 people multiple times. Among other things. I can't remember what else. Because my brain is fried. From overload. So I have no idea what to even write about the media right now!! I think it can be addicting. My husband, his brother, and their cousin started playing League of Legends yesterday and have been at it almost constantly! So it can be good or bad, decide how you will use it! My choice of "media poison" this weekend? (Aside from Conference of course). Listening to country on Pandora radio - while scrapbooking! I'd say that's definitely a good use! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh man the end of the semester is always the worst!! Hopefully the Conference "break" helped :)
