Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Dying Media?

Yesterday, I received some devastating news: the Daily Universe is becoming a weekly (rather than daily) publication. I couldn't believe it - the DU is my lifeline, it's what has gotten me through every day of class for nearly four years now! It kept me at least somewhat up-to-date on current world news, and let me know what was going on right here in Provo. The Police Beat kept me laughing, and the Reader's Forum gave me a few good laughs, frustrated me with people's dumb ideas, and made me think about my own opinions on important issues. Daily comics were a good pointless diversion from the hum-drum of schoolwork. And finally, the crossword and sudoku puzzles were what I looked forward to every day! If I was about to fall asleep in class - puzzles kept me awake. In those inevitable classes that nearly bore you to death each day - the puzzles saved me from insanity. Or if I just had a ton of time to waste, those puzzles were my handy sidekick.

The point is, folks, I may never have made it this far in my college career if not for that wonderful little paper. And soon it will be printed only once a week. I never realized how much I loved the DU until I saw this article breaking the news. Of course it will still be published online, but there is just something about holding real paper in my hands that I prefer to any electronic form. It's crazy to me how technology can change things - way back in the day, having access to a real live book was unthinkable! Nowadays, people are switching in their print books for kindle's, iPad's, and who knows what else. I've never wanted to admit it, but I think the print media may be in its dying stages. With all the technological advancements, the effects of media are more far-reaching than ever before. Hopefully it is used for good. And hopefully, I can survive this change in the DU for my last semester!

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