Sunday, January 29, 2012

Another Thing...

So I'm sitting here on the couch eating my favorite Valentine's candy hearts, and I had another thought about something said in class. Well okay, really just a reflection on a point that was already made. So we're talking about the influence of advertising and how it can last for years and years right? (That's why we gotta be so careful with our kids). And Dr. Coyne mentioned how as a kid Lucky Charms were advertised and she loved them and even now, despite what she knows about ads and the nutritional value of the cereal, she still buys it once in a while. And I just noticed that I'm doing the exact same thing! When we were in elementary school, everyone always gave those little boxes of conversation hearts for Valentine's, right? At least in my school we did. And when you're a kid those things are awesome! Now here I am, nearing my 22nd birthday, and I'm still buying those things at this time of year. And if I think about it - it's not because they're the most fabulous treat in the world, not even close to my favorite... in fact, the pink ones are just gross. But, I grew up with them and I love having them at Valentine's. And I'll probably buy them until I don't have teeth... but maybe even then, and I'll suck on them. Just another thing to think about in the crazy world of advertising! You make an impression!


  1. I agree that February means that it's time for conversation hearts.I love that every year they have new sayings on them.

  2. Those hearts are nastified! But interesting how advertising sucks us in, right?!?
