Friday, January 27, 2012

Powerful Stuff

In light of today's discussion in class, I wanted to take a moment to talk about advertising. It was actually quite interesting to find out all the stuff advertising does - and how influential it can all be! That Cadbury ad? Definitely got me craving some English chocolate - if you ever get a chance, load up, cause it will be the best thing you've ever had. No jokes there. But that just goes to show how much influence and power advertisements have in our lives these days. And no wonder - they're everywhere! I can't even walk to my car without being bombarded with fliers for some super awesome dance party on Friday. It made me stop and think about just how big of a role ads play in my life. I've definitely seen the infomercials and wanted to try out their fabulous new one-of-a-kind product, though I've never actually done it. And, I have to admit, I'm guilty when it comes to buying beauty products you see in the magazines. Money I never would have been duped into spending otherwise. But alas, those darn ads are just so good!

I guess we really do just have to be so careful about what we let into our houses, because without even realizing it, it can definitely affect us. And this is so true for in the future when we have young, impressionable, little kidlets running around! They can be sucked into the materialism and fantasy and whatnot even more than us, so it's good to just kind of reflect on that and think about what to watch for in the media. At least for me, that is.

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