Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tonight I watched Tom Hanks' Cast Away for the first time. That's right, the very first time. I won't lie, I was not all that excited to watch it, but my husband insisted it would be awesome!, so I agreed. Started out strange, but it kept my interest and in the end, I suppose it wasn't a complete waste of my time. But one thing my husband mentioned got me thinking: how Hanks reverts back to caveman ways, and he just commented on how humans started out kind of like that and look at us now - we've got personal computers, portable phones, instant world-wide communication... you get the idea. And then I thought, "How weird would that be to be gone for 4 years and just come back and see how much technology and media has changed?" Wouldn't that be weird? Especially with all the crazy new things we're able to come up with these days. You'd be an alien in your own world, hardly able to function! Okay well maybe not that drastic, but still, it's amazing what a big part all forms of media play in our lives. And how dependent we seem to be upon the many gadgets and whatnot we have. And we seem to be in the midst of a media explosion! I'm not addicted or anything, but I sure don't want to miss out on the next four years...

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