Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Books make you Smart!!

I really believe that. If you're reading the right books, that is... nothing like Tweak or "Angus, Thongs & Full-Frontal Snogging" . . . I think I actually felt my brain become mush-ified reading that thing. But there are a ton of good books out there that can increase your awareness and even develop various skills.

I looooove books, they are so great. I just wish I had time to read them these days! It's so sad to me that they're becoming a bit of an ancient media, because there is just so much good to be had there! Intellectual development, stimulation of the imagination, and who knows what else?! Hopefully I can instill a love of books and reading in my children before these little things become obsolete. Class was fascinating for me today, and I never thought about it before but I think having some sort of rating or warning system would be so great for books! We use it for literally every other type of media, why not our reading material? It is so easy for anyone to go to the bookstore and just pick out any book - without knowledge about the content in it. I know having some sort of system would have saved me from experiencing from traumatizing material! Hopefully we can make the experience of reading even better for our own children!

As part of the week's assignment, I put down Harry Potter and The Hunger Games as my favorite books. I wonder if that says anything about my life or personality? But they are both great series, read them!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed class! It is something I am very passionate about! :) My 10 year plan involves me trying to get involved in public policy and actually trying to move this idea forward. It will probably just die, but you never know!

    I love Harry Potter too!
