Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Vow

Let me begin by saying that I am exhausted; I have been a little over-worked lately (and it's only going to get worse over the next month) and just been crazy busy, so if none of this makes any logical sense, I apologize in advance. That being said, for a little date night this weekend Dan and I went to see The Vow. It was soooo good! Honestly just my kind of movie, so cute, and such a perfect little break at this point in my crazy life. I thought it was so amazing, I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a good chick flick. Only down side? I didn't exactly want to see Channing Tatum's bum, but I can live with that. *Sorry if I just ruined the movie, or tainted your vision of Mr. Tatum.* Anyway, I won't go into the details, but seriously - good movie. And here's my application to media's influence in our lives: I think movies like this definitely set girls up for disappointment in real life. They watch these and build up these expectations about guys, how they're supposed to be so sweet, and always know what to say, and never give up on the girl... basically be perfect. But we all know that can't happen in real life (I admit it - even my own husband isn't perfect!) Those guys have been scripted out, down to the last word and gesture, with planning and editing that you don't really get to do here. So be careful not to get your expectations too high! And for the guys - don't start to feel like a failure if you're not doing all these wonderful, amazing, perfect things for your woman (but you should still be your best!) :)


  1. I am seeing this movie on Saturday with my roommates! Super excited!!

  2. I have heard good and bad about this movie, but I am glad that it was a good way for you to wind down. I agree with you as well, that a lot of chick flicks make the men in the films have seemingly perfect attributes that a lot of man have not acquired yet. It can make girls have high expectations!

  3. Loved this movie. I think i have a bigger crush on rachel mcadams than the ever popular channing, haha.
